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/// Assembly and installation ///

#4 The installation

Your satisfaction is our top priority when you want new curtains to make your home more homely, comfortable and of higher quality. We are happy to personally and helpfully assist you in this endeavor. In addition to selected textiles for which we are known far beyond the borders of Berlin - including exclusive fabrics from the best designers - there is also the opportunity to talk about the topic of "installing the curtains", i.e. attaching the curtains. Depending on the style, gathers and folds you choose, there are different options to choose from.

Once you have chosen the textiles that we have prepared to measure and according to your wishes, it is time to hang them up. Of course, we are also available to provide you with our expert service for delivery, assembly and hanging. Here, as with all previous work steps, we use tools that are suitable for hanging the textiles you have chosen, but also for the materials to which we attach the curtains. This is especially true for ceiling or wall mounting curtains. Because the particularly high-quality fabrics that we have in our company often have a higher weight, we already think about how we will attach your curtains when we start "making curtains", i.e. making them. The suggested attachment method corresponds to the cut of the respective fabric, as well as the design of the respective textile. We also pay attention to the base materials to which we attach your curtains, always choosing the most gentle and at the same time most effective method to make everything not only safe, but also aesthetically pleasing. Here too, you can rely on the know-how of our technically skilled and experienced employees. You can see that in this step, too, we attach great importance to not only working to measure, but also to ensuring that you are more than satisfied with the textiles, even long after they have been hung up. Of course, we also work as gently as possible here. We use tools that have been designed to suit the materials such as concrete, bricks and also wooden structures, in order to work on them "as much as necessary, as little as possible". Of course, we ensure that no traces are visible after the installation, so that you can fully enjoy the material enrichment that you have given your home.

We also carry a wide range of decorative elements and accessories, such as tassels, tiebacks and the like, and we are also happy to help you choose.

At this point we can assure you that we are aware that carrying out manual work represents an intrusion into your everyday life. With this in mind, we guarantee that we will keep our stay in your home as short and quiet as possible. Of course, we also make sure that we leave your premises in perfect, i.e. clean, condition after we have put up your new treasures in the form of curtains.

Das Erste im Nähatelier sind Materialien und Zubehör. Designer-Stoffe bilden die Basis, und die Basis braucht mehrere Ergänzungen.
Diese Ergänzungen sind innovative Gardinenbänder, Ösen und Kordeln.
Die Einarbeitung von Gardinenzubehör unterstützt uns bei der Erschaffung von exquisiten Wohntextilien.

Das Zweite sind unsere Nähmaschinen. Prächtige und robuste Wohntextilien entstehen durch die Synergie von bereits erwähnten Zubehör-Komponenten, Stoffen und Maschinen. Nähmaschinen, welche mit niedrigsten Fadenspannungswerten arbeiten und ausgezeichnete Stichlängenkontinuität leisten. Gewerbliche sowie manche private Auftraggeber wollen besonders langlebige Designer-Textilien. Wir können diese Erwartung durch unsere Technologie und Verfahrensweise erfüllen und bieten eine fünf- oder siebenjährige Garantie an.

Das Dritte und das Wichtigste sind die Mitarbeiter:innen
Wir mögen die Design-Branche. Die Fertigstellung eines Auftrages bedeutet für uns, dass wir unseren Beitrag zum Komfort und zur Wohnlichkeit geleistet haben. Branchenerfahrung von mindestens fünf Jahren wird vorausgesetzt. Manche Teammitglieder kommen aus Israel, aus der Ukraine und aus Großbritannien. Wir bleiben interkulturell, interdisziplinär und entgegenkommend.

Mounting and installation of curtains on windows in Berlin